Books for Keiki: Adventures with Barefoot Critters

Adventures with Barefoot Critters
by Teagan White
2014 by Tundra Books

"We make cozy campfires and eat under the stars."

My daughter and I picked up this book because we loved, loved, loved the art, which will appeal to Wes Anderson fans and quilters alike (wait- are those actually the same people?). Truly, it is a lovely book - and reading it makes us somehow feel comfortable and adventurous at the same time. There is a magic here that nudges readers to try the every-day adventures that make childhood feel so exciting. The barefoot critters make boats and campfires, forts and cardboard-box rockets. How it escapes cloying nostalgia and instead reads like an invitation, I'm not sure- but this book has saved several rainy afternoons when it was too soggy to swim at the beach. It is an ABC book that meanders through the seasons, so I always feel like it is great for pre-K topics of study. Really, though, the fun comes from reading it together, curled up on an island of pillows, and hearing a little voice remark, "I want to do that too!


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